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Senang Segar


The Senang Segar brand belongs to Fang Industries, inc., the company that guides and supports development of Senang Segar. These guidelines describe when and how the elementary brand should be used.

You may not use the Senang Segar name in any way that could mistakenly imply any official connection with or endorsement of catto labs. Any use of the Senang Segar name in a manner that could cause customer confusion is not permitted.

Brand Assets

Senang Segar claims two marks: the default character logomark, aswell as it's expression variants. Both are considered trademarks and represent Senang Segar.

These assets are provided for use in situations like articles, video tutorials, or for featuring on your website. They should not be used in any way that could be confusing for customers or imply any affiliation with Senang Segar.

All should be used with the following in mind:

  • Do not stretch, skew, rotate, flip, or otherwise alter the marks.
  • Do not use the marks on an overly-busy background; solid colors work best.
  • The marks should always retain it's original colour.


We employ the use of color combined with our name and marks to establish our brand. We use the following palette:


HEX: #324930

RGB: 50, 73, 48

Glade Green

HEX: #577B53

RGB: 87, 123, 83

Dark Sea Green

HEX: #90C38B

RGB: 144, 195, 139

Tea Green


RGB: 186, 241, 181



RGB: 204, 255, 201

Snowy Mint


RGB: 217, 255, 215


For web dan print, we use Grandstander for titles, dan Montserrat for body text.


We do not authorise the use of our trademarks for t-shirts, stickers, or other merchandise without explicit written consent.

Additional Information

Our official branding assets are licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0.

For further information regarding the use of the elementary name, branding, and trademarks, please email [email protected].